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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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rebels take a key oil town in libya from gadhafi want to. continue claims of over one hundred civilian deaths. the libyan government accuses coalition forces of taking sides far from some came posing a no fly zone it says that they are actively helping fighters on the ground. russia's top general says the coalition's airstrikes on libya have brought no results and it's likely the ground troops will soon be on their way the. hundreds of thousands of people converging on london to cry out against deep government cuts in what's expected to be the largest dome of the country's experienced in years. and japan criticizes the operator of the crippled fukushima power plant which is
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leaking radioactive water the company said to have ignored warnings about the danger a tsunami would pose. this is from our studios here in central moscow it's now eight pm and seven pm in libya where rebels say they've regained control of the strategic oil town of from colonel gadhafi forces it comes as the country's officials claim over one hundred people were killed in the opening days of the coalition strikes which have now lost it a week meanwhile nato is gearing up to replace the u.s. in leading the campaign. reports now from the region. the capital city of tripoli is essentially in lockdown we're hearing now that within two days fuel supplies here might very well run out we're also hearing of shortages in food and water now for seven straight nights the city has come under fire from those air strikes from
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the coalition the residents here are very very frightened many of them are choosing not to go to work to spend their days at home barricaded in their homes because they are very frightened in terms of what will happen in the coming days now the state television is reporting that more than one hundred people have been killed if that's the figure at one hundred and fourteen people killed and some four hundred and forty five wounded in the first four days of strikes it's not making clear whether or not it's talking about civilian deaths or fighters and certainly it is proving quite difficult to differentiate between the two here in tripoli we are hearing from rebels in the town of they have advanced there from benghazi and they said that they've been coming across civilian bodies women and children in the road but they're too it's difficult to discern whether the bodies were killed by coalition is strikes or whether they were killed by gadhafi forces we are hearing from the rebels themselves that they have now taken over the town of they said that
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into the town through the eastern part and that gadhafi is men are now on the perimeter some two kilometers west of the city but we are hearing from rebels complains that they do not have enough weaponry or sufficient enough weaponry to take on the heavy weaponry of gadhafi soldiers these reports have not been confirmed by the libyan army itself so we are very much relying on what the rebels are telling us but certainly if they have taken over this town it is a significant step in them being able to recapture towns and cities they lost in the last week we need to remember that this time last week it was a very real fear that the time of benghazi would be overthrown by gadhafi some in the situation on the ground though is such that it's taken the rebels a week to get this far so many people asking the question wolf of just how much longer is the international community going to be involved. in this conflict if indeed the rebels are struggling to actually advance with words back over land that they've already taken there was a press conference that was held here by the libyan government and their government was extremely critical of the coalition airstrikes it says that they are not simply
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targeting neutral sites they say that the coalition is not interested in only enforcing a no fly zone but that they very much involved in actually aiding the rebels on the ground so this begs the question in terms of what will be the next step from the international community despite the fact that we hear the international community insisting that it's actually not going to get involved in terms of foot soldiers but the sense of the urgency on the ground here or more from what we're hearing from the rebels and certainly the criticism coming out of the tripoli government puts the suggestion on the table that there might be something that might be under consideration now nato is officially supposed to take command of enforcing this no fly zone on sunday but we're hearing criticisms from paris and other countries they're a little bit cautious in terms of how this will work on the ground itself rebel fighters are also concerned that now that you have an enlarged leadership calling the shots essentially it will be a lot more difficult to carry out intensive united fighting on the ground the african union is coming to the party in terms of trying to facilitate some kind of
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dialogue between rebels and the libyan government they have been against foreign involvement from the beginning and according to a libyan delegation to the african union you hear that gadhafi might be considering some kind of i mean a tease he might be prepared to meet with the rebels and possibly even call for elections but the rebels themselves who deny this hour flight number one they don't believe it and number two they simply say that nothing short of gadhafi actually stepping down from power is something that they would consider. reporting there as colonel gadhafi troops exchange for with rebels and the coalition forces continue their strikes many libyans are fleeing their homes hundreds of thousands of already become refugees in the ongoing violence or more are expected to join them as are going of reports now from the libyan egyptian border. so far the humanitarian situation hasn't really improved much thousands of people are continuing to flee libya each day looking for safety and better living conditions the main flow of
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refugees is on libya as a western border with tunisia but many people are going to egypt as well we met this family we were from. they said that the humanitarian situation in the city is critical at the moment they were saying how they're not actually fleeing because their home has been destroyed the zone feel safe there anymore and said that they were going to wait out here in egypt as he was going on there maybe come back when things settle down when it comes to egypt actually many towns and cities in the egyptian libyan border security has been strengthened there also there have been changes on the egyptian would be in border itself if we hear that just several weeks ago it was patrolled basically only by egyptian border guards who are people who are letting people in and out of the country now it's being patrolled by both
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sides there are representatives of the so-called national police in the libya whole so checking documents of the people that are going through the border so maybe the opposition is gaining some more. some more control over the situation and perhaps just simply discipline them but judging by these figures thousands of refugees each day and in total according to the u.n. over three hundred thousand people have already fled libya the situation hasn't improved much and to the goal of the whole military operation by the alliance which was to improve the lives of ordinary people and make it safer for ordinary people to live there at the moment in libya that still has not been changed unfortunately . and by the way you'll find our correspondence first hand accounts on libya on our twitter feed and facebook page artie's paullus live and you can just saw there will
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be tweeting with all the latest developments would have to do is to search for or to underscore com to follow breaking news from our correspondents and you can also find us on facebook and you can stay updated on our page there are. prettier doesn't ari from the danish institute for international studies says this operation in libya is proving to be another key test for the e.u. and nato and there's no sign of how it will conclude. it is fair to say that definitely there there is no clear understanding of what the endgame of this mission is supposed to be clearly all the big gamble desperations about the e.u. playing a foreign and security policy role here are really being discredited i mean if there was one sealed and one a battleground where the e.u. should have proven its ambitions well this is precisely its backyard and clearly you are seeing that this is not working and then of course the other issue is that
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who is left to do the job and then we are back at the old cold war style alliance and that is the nato option if the idea of ground troops becomes actual there at the objective would become regime change rather than protecting the civilian population if ground troops are not considered the only other option by enforcing the no fly zone is really to try and give the opposition a fair chance to or thrown gadhafi by their own means so there we are in a whole different ball game as to looking at various options for supporting the opposition but clearly ground troops is not one of them and i think the libyan opposition or whoever is speaking for them at the moment has been quite clear about that they don't want western ground troops on the ground. well russia's top general says the coalition's aerial operation in libya has brought no results so it might not be long before ground troops sent in russia's envoy to nato meanwhile believes
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the alliance could find itself involved in another major war along with afghanistan and iraq well let's get more from our correspondent. she's in central moscow not exactly ringing endorsement from key russian officials there no absolutely not bill that's right the head of russia's. general on the climate car of did say earlier on saturday that by in his opinion the eat the operation conducted by the allied forces in northern africa particularly in libya is failing on all fronts in his opinion again and he believes that they're not reaching the results and they were hoping for there for a ground operation is very likely in the near future and that is that if that does happen that would be a direct violation of the you insecure the u.n. security council resolution which does not permit that sort of operation to take place in libya general makarios sentiments were echoed by the opinion of russia's envoy to nato meter goes and who did say that by what he's hearing and observing in
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brussels it does look like nato officials are also thinking in terms of the ground of very soon as the most likely result of the ongoing situation in libya there also there's also information coming from the united states navy that around four thousand sailors and marines have been shipped off to the mediterranean in order to assist the ongoing operation in libya at the moment at the same time state department also made a statement on saturday saying that the united states is not going to participate in ground operation in libya mr goes into russia is going to nato is saying that the operation nevertheless will take place on the ground and that is because the coalition and nato are caving in under the pressure from the united states and if that actually will have a result on the situation in libya. if forces will be on the ground that that will . hinder goes opinion that will put the united states into a third losing war that's alongside iraq and afghanistan also the
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the the heads of the opposition of their position forces in libya themselves have thanks the coalition for the airstrikes which they believe are helping to undermine mcduffie's regime but they have asked the coalition and major to refrain from putting troops on the ground so we have to see if that call will actually go on heeded by the coalition and nato or whether they will listen and comply with their is illusion and with a request from the libyan opposition arena thanks very much indeed for that that's . a correspondent in central. well there's been another upsurge of anti regime sentiment sweeping through the arab world fresh demonstrations have broken out in a number of countries as governments fail to quell the unrest in syria protests have spread rapidly to tens of thousands demonstrating against government corruption and brutality reports suggest twenty people are being killed in yemen the country's foreign minister said he's hoping for
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a power transfer deal after the president said he'll pass his role and to trust the hands of the country's seen two months of anti-government protests were shot last week and in bahrain people have once again taken to the streets in defiance of a ban on public gatherings and a series of violent crackdowns will be resurgent unrest i'm now joined from bahrain by journalist and author coming on thanks very much indeed for joining us live. in presents itself as one of the most democratic countries in the region so what is causing the unrest there. this is all. region. you know. kids all discrimination against. the. very.
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very. very. very. human rights watch. traditions are. exactly. surprising. would you say that this is really more about sectarian tensions in comparison to what we've seen. in egypt and this could be slightly different and some respects. my reading. situation here.
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it's pretty. conditions. seem. to interrupt but we seem violence we have seen deaths reign very harsh crackdown by the authorities that do the protests. along with perhaps yemen and syria they want foreign help in the way that we've seen intervention in libya do you think. don't think so i think people are very skeptical very cynical of foreign intervention. they would see it as a pretty much. pretext by the western powers. and certainly. monetary and concerned.
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intervention. is already intervening in their. kids. and yet most things being. which is largely. being disappeared. so. what if the situation does get worse you just mentioned the u.s. interest that particularly the strategic interests its naval base that if the situation does deteriorate could we not actually see intervention by the u.s. . well you intervention in terms of like say
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the sigma were some. grind that they. surely lost over the last week if the regime was under threat from democracy movement yes you probably would see a moment for us intervention to try to. turn the james against. with us the reality of the situation despite its rhetoric and. so you peace peace and freedom very well children being here is a very objective step we quickly ask you before we finish you're there in bahrain what's it like to be than the country that my mom was the atmosphere like well it's since it's sinister at the minute ensues because my mom is a couple of well there's a movie going military. languages and times where they're all very credible reports of people being taken away by. personnel uniformed personnel
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there was a large number of people like your disappeared in the country where a bunch of these people are. people. or the people given the record of this regime for torturing and didn't say. we'll leave it that journalist and author finian coming up joining us live from bahrain we appreciate your time thanks very much for being with us on. america's present position at the helm of the campaign has already led to a spike in antiwar sentiment on the home soil the highest recorded surge in decades that's according to a new gallup poll and there's artie's going to church can reports the total of the operation that is taking place there in libya could spell a long and painful conflict for the u.s. coalition is calling this operation odyssey dawn odyssey dawn odyssey dawn what's in a name the names that the u.s. previously gave to its campaigns kind of make more sense like desert storm in the
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gulf war or operation enduring freedom and of gametes then or iraqi freedom but odyssey dawn on top of making no sense as a combination of words in itself if we interpret it it actually means something really lengthy in time or the word don could it possibly imply that what we have now is just the beginning we talked to the u.s. command in africa that was tasked to come up with two words and they say the title does not mean anything what happened is there is a group of planning officers led by a lieutenant colonel the sit down in the early days of planning it came up and looked at the list and they decided to call it odyssey just because they like the sound of odyssey. the second part of the word or the second part of the nickname is basically chosen at random but amid the growing confusion that americans have over the alternate goal that their government pursues in the oil rich north african country the title suggests different interpretations of title is confused and so is
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the operation and so is the public understanding of the operation so i think it's all it's all very confusing what's really unhappy is that if you think about the odyssey it's the story about these people wandering around the mediterranean for ten years not able to find their way and that seems exactly the wrong metaphor for what what they want to convey about this president obama said the u.s. will be in and out of leave yet in no time. the name odyssey dawn seems to be an odd choice for a quick operation considering a this is is ten year journey to return home after a ten year war it in some ways represents the lack of clarity as to what the objective of the mission is if americans in their own hearts could call it something it would be operation here today gone tomorrow for many in the u.s. odyssey don has become a joke following odyssey dawn. nearly name a combat operation after a yes album i want to see don. that's not
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a military operation that's a carnival cruise ship i don't want and i was thinking. i know her but not only do most u.s. comedians poke fun at the name of the operation they also best express the growing public prostration over the u.s. involvement poll showing the last four decades americans disapproval of a military action has never been as high as it is now with the levy intervention the pentagon saying that the activities in libya that we're only going to be in for a short time and then we're pulling out and they are many times where that our ladies were at war. oh do you. many fear like homer's odysseus it may take the u.s. years to finish the journey. gonna check out our t. washington d.c. . hundreds of thousands of people from across the u.k.
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are gathering in london to voice their anger over the government's proposed massive slashes to public spending the protest against the eighty billion pound austerity cuts is expected become britain's largest in years what is your emmett's reports now from london. this is really turned into a city wide recess with destruction to travel and to produce it all over the city center we hear that up to five hundred thousand people are participating in this march and in little pockets all over the city things are starting to turn violent we're hearing reports that there are around full thousand people on oxford street which is not good smain shopping streets and the police are trying to employ the controversial tactic of cataloguing them say keeping them in a confined space that they can't do any damage but the police are also dressed in riot gear but nevertheless people have been smashing windows they smashed the windows at the ritz hotel and also in a variety of shops along the streets and we hear that fourteen people have been injured during that protesters are throwing paint bombs they're throwing for that
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police and they're also using dustbins as projectiles and we will say hurt just to seriously that phrase has it been throwing a mooney at police which could potentially blind since this demonstration went into the planning stages back at the end of last year as a whole new dimension and that is of course that the u.k. is now leading the charge into this new rule in libya there are estimates that the u.k. alone is spending up to four and a half million dollars a day on this military intervention in libya now earlier i spoke to research from the stop the war coalition and he told me why he thought it was so important to turn out today to protest against that if we were to stop the wars in afghanistan and the attack on libya we would have a very very last borscht of the british government's deficit dealt with a single blow we were told in the very first night of the attack on libya over one hundred cruise missiles were fired at those cruise missiles one hundred million
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dollars worth of whole resources blowed up every day with every single weapon that doesn't take a lot of my overmuch a nation for people here to calculate how. the places that universities that would mean how many libraries that would be property hospitals would mean so i think it's very very graphic be brought to people here what the financial cost of this is so as i say a whole new dimension to this protest now that you k. is involved in that military intervention in libya but people here also jewelry on the strength of what they've seen in the middle east as a movement called. trafalgar which is trying to capture people's imagination and bring the power of the protest in tahrir square hey it's along that they are talking about occupying the square twenty four hour period say this certainly isn't a vs. we're not reporting there from london which of pan's government has criticized the operator of the radiation leaking fukushima nuclear plant for its efforts to control the crisis it comes amid reports the research as warnings two
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years earlier of the danger a tsunami posed to the plant were ignored it's been over two weeks now since the devastating earthquake and tsunami which caused the accident at the facility efficient death toll from the disaster stands at over ten thousand with many more missing or homeless emergency teams are still struggling to control the situation of the stricken because shimon you can a plant several sustained radiation burns while installing cables as part of efforts to restore the critical systems and clean energy experts say the damage to the site is having a dangerous effect on the environment and people's health. i think it's catastrophic i think that the narrative that we've had for the last week or so which is that we're trying to fix the problem and get it under control is misleading i think that there's evidence of radiation having entered the environment in large amounts it's turning up in lots of places in water and food it's even being detected far away what this could mean is that there is really
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a significant entry of radiation going on into the environment right now and that there doesn't appear to be any problems. to it in the near future so that's very catastrophic this is not something that is. a situation that may get out of control this is a situation that is having a catastrophic impact currently already i would say and significantly dangerous there's been high levels of radiation detected out of the twenty kilometer limit already and what you have it when you have radiation levels of that of that level is that in a week or two you'll have people that are experiencing the radiation exposure of nuclear plant workers you know over the course of their career and these are people in a situation where there's been an earthquake there's been a tsunami there's a shortage of food there's a shortage of water so they're out there already stressed their bodies are already stressed they may not be in heated homes at night they may not be getting electricity so the impact of these exposures will be even larger. so they.
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receive in the course of a week or two the exposures the nuclear plant workers receive in their entire lives is rather dire and these people should not be allowed to remain in such an exposure area and that was nuclear energy expert dr robert jacobs. well there are always more stories and in-depth analysis on our website dot com including the enemy within lead how immigrants in the u.s. descended on georgia state capitol outraged at new legislation that they claim infringes upon their rights. and telling off the man's thirst for power cities around the world will be plunged into darkness and listened to minutes as they switch off the lights in a show of support for the fight against global warming. when in a few minutes from now we'll be looking at the rising food prices across the world prefer style be back with a summary of the latest news developments that will be off to a short break stay with us life in a moscow this is all too. wealthy
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